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Spice up your skills..Surprise your world!
For the curry lovers..
Healthy, Tasty and Easy South Indian CookingAbout Us
Many think 'Healthy Food Cannot Be Tasty' and 'Tasty Food Cannot Be Healthy.' We are here to prove this common myth wrong and help you to cook 'Tasty' South Indian food 'Healthily'.
'Healthy food and Tasty food", was once the norm across culinary cultures all over the world. Today, people think they are mutually exclusive concepts! We ought to give some thoughts, as to why there is a 'connection' between taste and health. We aim to strike a balance between healthy and tasty food.

Our Commitment
It is obvious that junk foods hold sway over the palates of young and elderly despite the warning by health experts all over the world! This attempt of ours to train people to cook 'Healthy and Tasty' South Indian food would not only save the street cred of our young people- who would not want to be caught eating virtuous things like carrots and quinoa-but also pamper the well-entrenched tastes of the elderly as well!
Who We are
Made this country our home, we left a nostalgic food culture behind us in India. Cooking was not whipping up a quick dinner or heating up a half cooked ready meal. We really enjoy cooking as a relaxing, unwinding activity in which whole family takes part and celebrates together. We believe, the food we eat defines us!
Away from home, we have always enjoyed the instant gratification of a stiff carbohydrate fix and elevate the spirits with caffeine and sugar. By slowly shifting to these terribly sinful alternatives, life became so much easier all round! So, the temptation to partake is indeed overwhelming and inescapable.
"If necessity is the mother, creativity is the father." Yes, we began to recreate the food we enjoyed back home. We blended the spices systematically, revising the recipes from mums and grannies. Experimenting with the world's best cookware technology from AMC Germany, we are cooking vegetables without adding water, preserving all its nutritional value; frying and roasting meat without adding fat, preserving vitamins and minerals. With the advanced rapid cooking, we save energy, time and money... Yes, we are cooking-'Tasty South Indian food Healthily!'
Now we have got some TASTE TO TRAIN!
...South Indian Curry making!
South Indian food is commonly thought to be difficult and time consuming to cook and has become synonymous with hot, spicy, oily and fatty food. Well, if badly prepared any other cuisine in the world would have the above properties....South Indian food, though hugely popular, is highly misunderstood world wide.
The brand 'Indian Restaurants' play the major role in the conceptual change the way people perceive Indian food in the rest of the world, particularly in the West. Even the understandings of the 'basics' are interesting to note. Watch the 1983 BBC production of The 'Spice of Life' linked in trainingtaste'You Tube Channel' that throws light into this fact!
In traditional Indian cooking, 'Masala' is a very generic term to describe any form of blending spices. Adding water to it the 'sauce' or 'curry' is made. Again 'Curry' is not a dish by itself in India! We suffix curry with any main dish like Beef Curry, Fish curry, Vegetable curry, whatever.
The west has now conditioned its pallets to tastes which have been largely provided by commercial outlets,the so called Indian culinary experts. As a result the authentic tastes have gone unnoticed! The industrially manufactured and supplied 'Madras Curry paste' is the base of most of the curries commercially made, while traditional south Indian cooking almost always uses fresh ingredients and involves making dishes from the scratch. This means less preservative, tastier and healthier food!
Well, who wouldn't spoil themselves occasionally with the thick, oily, creamy restaurant curries and its accompaniments? But do not think we would ever dare to prepare these meals at home daily, for our family!
Do not get confused! Do not judge the quality of Indian home cooking by other people's failures and common opinion! It is a chance to see for yourself the healthier and tastier world of South Indian cuisine. It is a voyage together, you will never regret!
What We Do

Cookery Class:
Train you cook traditional South Indian recipes from scratch using ingredients from local stores at affordable prices. Our interactive and informative classes help you to cook our offered menu systematically. Now, you are free to share the food you have cooked among yourselves! We are here to support and serve you all the way to making wonderful curries!

Party Orders:
We accept party orders for up to 20 persons and offer live cooking on occasions like ~Birthdays ~ School Reunions ~ Family Reunions ~ Christmas Parties ~ Christenings ~ Family Fun Days ~ Halloween PartiesBaubles ~ Graduation Parties ~ Baby Showers ~ New Years Eve Celebrations ~ Marriage Proposals ~ Hen's and Buck's Parties ~ Anniversaries in your own home or outdoor settings. We also organise corporate cooking events - a unique and hugely fun idea for a team building or Business Networking event.

Fundraising Events:
We organise / associate fundraising events to support local causes. Food taste fundraising is a fun for everyone. While pleasing the palate, we create an opportunity to support a worthy cause simultaneously. We cook and serve selected South Indian recipes for events either organised by us or by our associates.

Activity Cooking:
We conduct cooking sessions as an Activity for Children, Young and the Elderly in their own settings. This event is designed to go in hand with the person centred care by involving each one in the activity from pealing an onion to serving their favourite curry to the table. It maximises a sense of involvement, belongingness and independence. Every stage of the cooking is passed through sharing tips and evoking knowledge and experience with explanatory commentaries. We try our best to provide opportunities for participants to socialise as they prepare the food.

Premium Cookery Demo:
Partnering with AMC, we use their Premium Cooking System to cook all our receipe healthily. Never before has healthy and tasty cooking been so ingeniously simple, fast and sure to succeed as with this revolutionary cooking system with fully automatic cooking and a 3-fold guarantee of success. We provide demonstrations of our 'Premium Cooking System' marked as the world's best cookware technology from AMC, Germany at your home or in our setting.
Got a recipe!
Too many people still struggle with the stigma of junk eating, too many fail to achieve remission or to eat healthily again in their day-to-day lives. That is why we are committed to continued research - striving to develop 'healthy and tasty' recipes to offer a better eating experience!
Now, Do you have a favourite recipe to try? Our team would analyze and find a 'cook healthy and tasty' plan for your choice!

How to get started?
Please go to our website link 'Booking' to get details about the training programme, modules and find an available session from the 'Calendar'. Please Phone up, e-mail or fill the 'Contact' Feedback form or the 'LiveChat' to join. We will guide you all the way!
See you there soon!
Sharing Articles, Audio, Video and Interactive ContentTraining Programme
We have 'Vegetarian' and 'Non vegetarian' Menu in place. Each Menu is comprised of Modules of which the details are given below. Please check the Calendar to choose convenient session and book your placeby e-mail, phone or the contact form.
Approx. 2 Hours/Item
1 Item-£30, 2 Items-£50, 3 Items-£100, 4 Items-£130
1).Chickpeas Curry
(Kadala Curry)
Healthy, economical and filling: this tasty chickpeas curry cooked with freshly chopped onion, tomato and exclusive combination of 'trainingtaste masala' is perfect for a weekday dinner. You will love it with oil free Chapati!
2).Pineapple curry
This is a fast, comfortable, and authentic South Indian dish that's sweet with a twist of spice and mustard seed. Best with plain rice.
3).Vegetable Mix with Coconut
Very traditional to native Kerala. A delightful mix of all sorts of vegetables and goodness of simple and subtle spices like cumin and coconut. This recipe is deceptively easy and is perfect with steamed rice or Chapati.
4).Okra Curry
(Vendakka Curry)
Okra, also known as "lady's finger" is one of the highly nutritious vegetables with rich sources of dietary fiber. Okra has seldom been considered as stringy and hard to use, but our recipe defies them all! With a touch of exclusive 'trainingtaste masala' and coconut milk these 'fingers' can twinkle your buds!
Approx. 2 Hours/Item
1 Item-£40, 2 Items-£70, 3 Items-£130, 4 Items-£170
1).Pork Vindaloo
It is said 'Spices found in a vindaloo were also found in food remains dating back 4,000 years'. Yes 'Vin' is for the vinegar and the 'ahlo' means garlic in Portuguese. You can be sure it is not the British 'explode your head' type. Its aromatic and richly flavoured with the heat adjusted to your taste. Belly of pork is usually used for this preparation! perfect with steamed Rice, Chapati or Crumpet.
2).Chicken Curry
(Chicken Pal Curry)
This soothing 'Central Kerala-style' authentic chicken curry is built mild on coconut milk, onion, vinegar and 'trainingtaste' masala base. Best with Chapati, Crumpet or Basmati rice!
3).Beef Masala Curry
(Beef Peralan)
This classic, spicy recipe tastes great! Cooked with freshly ground trainingtaste masala, green chilies, ginger, garlic, coconut and curry leaves, is served best with Rice, Crumpet or Chapati!
4).Prawn Mango Curry
(Chemmeen Manga Curry)
This prawn curry is to die for, so flavourful and delectable. The complementary sweetness of the prawns and coconut milk is contrasted with the pungency of the spices and the tangerine mango. Perfect with steamed rice; it's the recipe to make your weekend special!
Tasting Time!!

Well..Now Enjoy the curry you cooked with freshly prepared whole wheat pancake and a glass of wine! Have a nice time!!..
Allergy Warning!!

We have health and safety laws in place. Be sure of your Allergy triggers. Ask about the ingredients and take care!! We take no responsibility for ignoring your own guts!!.
Gift Vouchers

The perfect buy for your loved ones!! Please Phone up, e-mail or fill the 'Contact' Feedback form or the 'LiveChat' to buy Vouchers. They are also available in Selected Points!
Supporting NHS Staff!!
'One advantage of cooking food from scratch at home is that you know exactly what is going into it, including the amount of added salt or sugar'- NHS Choices LiveWell Plan. We offer NHS Staff 5% Discount from the Course amount to support this great cause!...Get!
Available timing for training are given Days/Week/Month basis. Look for 'Agenda' for special information. Please choose sessions that suit for you. Phone up/ E-mail/ Text/ Submit contact form / 'liveChat' at the right hand corner of this webpage to reserve your modules. Warm welcome to fun loving TRAININGTASTE curry makers..Contact Us
We would love to hear from you!
10 Columba Road
Inverness IV3 5HQ
Scotland UK
Phone: +44(0)1463 710507
Mob: +44 07463888943, 07875894451